Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition

Real-time bidding brings flexibility and revenues to digital ad markets

Much of the disruption brought by the digital transition has involved changes in advertising. Radical shifts continue and one of the biggest challenges rolling through digital ad markets is the rise of real-time bidding, or programmatic…

//March 6 / 2013 //read more

Online Advertising Explained: DMPs, SSPs, DSPs and RTB

Ad exchanges are using an increasing amount of data to deliver better targeted ads to users and better performing ads to advertisers. News organisations need to understand how digital advertising is all about data, data, data. We cut…

//March 6 / 2013 //read more

The message matters: The science of gaining more followers on Twitter

Every social media agency and self-anointed expert has advice on how to increase the number of people who follow you on Facebook and Twitter, but at least when it comes to Twitter, we now have some scientific research on what wins…

//March 1 / 2013 //read more

Newspaper groups find success in moving their classified business online

Classifieds, once viewed as the “river of gold” for newspapers, have migrated online, and Asia-Pacific newspaper consultant Peter Ong shows how newspapers lost time and much needed revenue by failing to move their classified business…

//February 28 / 2013 //read more

Online classifieds: Choosing a successful strategy

The global classified advertising market is forecast to reach $14 bn, according to ZenithOptimedia. MDIF’s Senior Digital Advisor Ross Settles gives practical advice on how you can assess the opportunity in your market, identify the…

//February 28 / 2013 //read more

The mobile media revolution is about business not just distribution

Last year, the number of internet subscribers doubled in Zimbabwe, largely due to the increase in mobile internet users. The mobile revolution is here, and news organisations need to think beyond how to distribute their content to mobile…

//February 26 / 2013 //read more

South Africa’s Paperight holds opportunities for long-form journalism

A start-up in South Africa, Paperight, shows how technology can help bring books and, potentially, long-form investigative and magazine journalism to wider audiences by using the web and copy shops in the country and elsewhere.

//February 19 / 2013 //read more

Making money with digital: Four lessons in success

While we don’t yet have a general model for news business success in the digital age, we are starting to identify successful revenue strategies – complete with the management and business organisation strategies necessary to execute them -…

//February 15 / 2013 //read more

Networking giant Cisco predicts more mobile data devices than people by end of 2013

US networking giant Cisco has released its latest five year forecast for mobile data use. The report highlights how rapidly increasing mobile data use will have profound implications for news organisations as mobile becomes the primary way…

//February 12 / 2013 //read more

How Montenegro’s Vijesti uses social media and events to build audience engagement

Montenegrin newspaper and online portal Vijesti saw a sharp spike in their Twitter followers and Facebook fans when their journalists used social media and a Twitter hashtag to cover protests last year, and now the news group uses social…

//February 7 / 2013 //read more