Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition

Print media

Australian papers launch online exchange for print ads

Australian publishers have joined forces to launch a private exchange to buy print advertising …

//November 28 / 2014 //read more

Newsweek magazine returns to a print edition after one year

Newsweek had not adapted to the new digital world well, so it announced the end of its print edition and continuing as a digital-only publication.

//December 10 / 2013 //read more

INMA European News Media Conference in Berlin

Over the past week, MDIF and its European clients attended the International News Media Marketing Association’s (INMA) annual European …

//October 30 / 2013 //read more

Don’t wait to compete for mobile ad revenue

News organisations face intense competition for internet advertising revenue from search engines and social media companies, and if you are just turning your attention to monetising your mobile audience, you’ll find the same competitors…

//June 21 / 2013 //read more

WAN-IFRA: Non-traditional revenue sources and print-digital bundling show promise for news revenue

The 2013 World Press Trends report by WAN-IFRA found that newspapers are thriving in Latin America, performing well in Asia but struggling most in Eastern Europe. As they compete for digital attention, some newspapers in hard-hit markets…

//June 6 / 2013 //read more

Traditional versus digital ads: ‘Reach’ versus ‘each’

The digital transition challenges us to think differently. Media leaders need to understand how the business of digital media fundamentally changes how consumers read, listen to and view our content, and how advertisers can reach their…

//April 11 / 2013 //read more

Newspaper groups find success in moving their classified business online

Classifieds, once viewed as the “river of gold” for newspapers, have migrated online, and Asia-Pacific newspaper consultant Peter Ong shows how newspapers lost time and much needed revenue by failing to move their classified business…

//February 28 / 2013 //read more

Online classifieds: Choosing a successful strategy

The global classified advertising market is forecast to reach $14 bn, according to ZenithOptimedia. MDIF’s Senior Digital Advisor Ross Settles gives practical advice on how you can assess the opportunity in your market, identify the…

//February 28 / 2013 //read more

South Africa’s Paperight holds opportunities for long-form journalism

A start-up in South Africa, Paperight, shows how technology can help bring books and, potentially, long-form investigative and magazine journalism to wider audiences by using the web and copy shops in the country and elsewhere.

//February 19 / 2013 //read more

Making money with digital: Four lessons in success

While we don’t yet have a general model for news business success in the digital age, we are starting to identify successful revenue strategies – complete with the management and business organisation strategies necessary to execute them -…

//February 15 / 2013 //read more