Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
ASDA’A Burson-Marsteller’s 5th annual Arab Youth Survey painted a bright picture full of optimism, but the picture is much more sobering for traditional media in the Middle East and North Africa. The study finds that traditional news…
//June 27 / 2013 //read moreIn its annual global media outlook, consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers forecasts that connected consumers will continue their shift to digital and mobile media. Major emerging markets will drive growth, but even as digital powers ahead…
//June 12 / 2013 //read moreUS networking giant Cisco has released its latest five year forecast for mobile data use. The report highlights how rapidly increasing mobile data use will have profound implications for news organisations as mobile becomes the primary way…
//February 12 / 2013 //read moreA look at 69 journalism start-ups in 10 countries found numerous models for building sustainable digital journalism companies. However, they look little like the media companies of old, but how these start-ups mix revenue streams to reach…
//January 25 / 2013 //read moreJournalism isn’t the first industry to face disruption, and Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School has made a career out of studying how companies and industries respond to chaotic change. Now, he has turned his attention to the…
//October 22 / 2012 //read moreThe mobile phone has become the primary way that Africans communicate, and it is rapidly becoming a way that they also receive information. The key challenge for news organisations will be how they serve these new mobile audiences and earn…
//October 15 / 2012 //read moreTo give you a practical example of how to launch a digital news product, we profile Firstpost, a news site launched in May 2011 by India’s Network18. We speak to Firstpost’s Durga Raghunath on the editorial and business thinking behind the…
//July 31 / 2012 //read moreIn India, as in many other emerging markets, the explosive growth in smartphone usage is leading advertisers to seek innovative ad formats and designs tailored to this new medium. Services like real-time bidding and competitive auctions…
//June 28 / 2012 //read morePwC has released a report looking at the entertainment and media industry through 2016, and it says that we’re at the “end of the beginning of digital …. with digital embedded in business-as-usual and moving to the heart of media…
//June 25 / 2012 //read moreDeclining digital ad returns for newspapers in the US hold lessons for news organisations making the move to digital in all countries. One key lesson is not to rely on ad exchanges to sell your digital advertising. Ad exchanges are blamed…
//June 8 / 2012 //read more