Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
The global classified advertising market is forecast to reach $14 bn, according to ZenithOptimedia. MDIF’s Senior Digital Advisor Ross Settles gives practical advice on how you can assess the opportunity in your market, identify the…
//February 28 / 2013 //read moreLast year, the number of internet subscribers doubled in Zimbabwe, largely due to the increase in mobile internet users. The mobile revolution is here, and news organisations need to think beyond how to distribute their content to mobile…
//February 26 / 2013 //read moreIn sophisticated digital markets, advertisers now know more about audiences than publishers do, Rodney Mayers, the chief revenue officer of data and analytics company Proximic, warned the independent news publishers at the Association of…
//January 31 / 2013 //read moreUsing more than one platform for a project or campaign can be a strength, not just a challenge. But to give yourself the best chance of success, you need to think strategically from the outset. Make your planning multi-platform from the…
//January 18 / 2013 //read moreIndonesia has the fourth highest number of Facebook users in the world. Indonesian radio network KBR68H is launching a news website to serve the rising digital audiences, especially the huge group of social networkers and Indonesians…
//January 2 / 2013 //read moreAt MDLF’s Media Forum 2012 in Jakarta, we spoke to Kunda Dixit, the editor of the Nepali Times. Once a digital sceptic, he now believes that smartphones can deliver the digital dream, empowering both individuals and news organisations to…
//December 24 / 2012 //read moreMaking the transition to digital is like surfing, Bambang Harymurti, CEO of Tempo International Media in Indonesia, told his fellow independent media leaders at Media Development Loan Fund’s recent Media Forum. Just like surfing, timing is…
//December 10 / 2012 //read moreDigital returns might be lower than the revenues of traditional media businesses, but some news groups are starting to rebuild their income base by combining multiple digital revenue streams rather than chasing a single replacement source.…
//November 28 / 2012 //read moreLocal media in Serbia see their future online, but some outlets that moved early have yet to see their investment pay off. At a recent conference in Belgrade, local media owners expressed frustration with advertisers and ad agencies for…
//November 14 / 2012 //read moreIn a series of presentations, we look at the digital advertising market in Russia and the Ukraine and look at the best way to organise a sales team, as well as use ad networks, classifieds and social media to grow revenue.
//October 11 / 2012 //read more