Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
An IAB UK video to explain the evolution of display trading in 2012. The display ecosystem has developed from direct buying and selling into an increasingly complex environment with data now powering real time bidding and selling.
//November 29 / 2013 //read moreDigital news organisations are finding it much easier to attract an audience than they are to make money from that audience. To find out how to monetise digital audiences, in this edition of Digital Briefing Live, we speak to Chia Ting…
//August 1 / 2013 //read moreAd exchanges are using an increasing amount of data to deliver better targeted ads to users and better performing ads to advertisers. News organisations need to understand how digital advertising is all about data, data, data. We cut…
//March 6 / 2013 //read moreIn a series of presentations, we look at the digital advertising market in Russia and the Ukraine and look at the best way to organise a sales team, as well as use ad networks, classifieds and social media to grow revenue.
//October 11 / 2012 //read moreIn the past year, independent news website Malaysiakini has been able to double its revenue, from an already healthy base, through a relentless pursuit of premium advertising. Malaysiakini’s senior advertising manager, Chia Ting Ting,…
//September 28 / 2012 //read moreAd networks can be an important element to building revenue for your site. In many markets, Google AdSense is the dominant ad network. This step-by-step guide shows you how to setup an AdSense account and put your first ad on your website.
//August 28 / 2012 //read moreTech giant Microsoft has been forced to write off billions from an online display ad business it bought in 2007. The digital display ad market has changed dramatically in the last five years, and you can learn a lot from Microsoft’s…
//July 11 / 2012 //read moreAfter spending 8 years out of the business, digital entrepreneur Rags Gupta highlights some of the things that haven’t changed now that he’s back with a new media publishing start-up. Things like the resilience of banner ads, the…
//June 20 / 2012 //read moreWith online ad rates so low, the temptation for news publishers is to load pages with all the ads they can. But research shows that cluttered pages lessen the impact of ads. Clean pages enhance ad and site perception, increase dwell time…
//June 15 / 2012 //read moreDeclining digital ad returns for newspapers in the US hold lessons for news organisations making the move to digital in all countries. One key lesson is not to rely on ad exchanges to sell your digital advertising. Ad exchanges are blamed…
//June 8 / 2012 //read more