Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
The Financial Times’ CTO John O’Donovan told news executives at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona not to ‘obsess’ about delivering their content via specific platforms. Instead they should keep their focus on the big picture and…
//March 3 / 2014 //read moreIt’s often said that when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. Though most news publishers in emerging markets don’t have too much in common with the world’s leading quality online news site, there are useful design,…
//January 21 / 2014 //read moreTo charge or not to charge for access to online content on your website? A guide to the arguments for and against to help news organisations find the answer that best suits their business.
//October 5 / 2013 //read moreStarting up a news site has become the easiest thing in the world over the last decade, but building a long-lasting media company from scratch is among the hardest. Hiring the right people is essential to building a sustainable media…
//July 18 / 2013 //read moreIn many emerging markets, digital advertising budgets and audiences are small, even if they are growing quickly. To achieve sustainability as these smaller markets develop, we explore a number of business models and revenue streams that…
//June 26 / 2013 //read moreNews organisations face intense competition for internet advertising revenue from search engines and social media companies, and if you are just turning your attention to monetising your mobile audience, you’ll find the same competitors…
//June 21 / 2013 //read moreEmerging markets are driving the next phase of digital growth, according to famed internet analyst Mary Meeker in her annual report. Internet access is reaching a tipping point in several emerging markets. One of the key insights from this…
//June 2 / 2013 //read moreA lot of companies sigh wearily when they talk about their content-management systems, the software that they use to manage their websites. If you’re looking for a CMS for the first time or looking to upgrade from the one you use, start by…
//May 22 / 2013 //read moreIf you have struggled with your content-management system, don’t worry you’re not alone. CMSs have been a common source of frustration for journalists and editors for years. Here we look at some of the lessons news organisations have…
//May 22 / 2013 //read moreYou already have software and systems to publish your newspaper or to manage your radio or TV output, and you might be wondering why you need yet more software to publish online and to mobile phones. Put simply, a good CMS will help you…
//May 22 / 2013 //read more