Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
Predictions about how new technologies will develop in the future are like horoscopes. If you want to get it right, you need to be as general as possible and hope that no one will notice that the few details you did include you got wrong.…
//December 18 / 2014 //read moreAustralian publishers have joined forces to launch a private exchange to buy print advertising …
//November 28 / 2014 //read moreNewspapers, which have been accompanying western civilization for the past 200 years, have never been in such deep crisis. There is only one possibility: for serious news not to vanish, readers …
//October 14 / 2014 //read moreFrédéric Filloux of Monday Note says the era of news media based on a single product is over. Diversification is the only way: it’s no longer a question of whether to develop other revenue streams, it’s a question of deciding which ones…
//October 13 / 2014 //read moreThe Guardian, the world’s third largest news site, has launched a membership scheme putting community and events at the heart of its plans to finance its paywall-free digital development.
//September 22 / 2014 //read moreThe old formula of a news outlet simply providing objective news is out-of-date.
//July 22 / 2014 //read moreBefore media companies can shift their business strategies toward digital, they must first change the structure and culture underpinning their organisations, writes Dr Tilmann Knoll, head of management development at Germany’s Axel…
//May 27 / 2014 //read moreUnlike many developments in digital advertising, native advertising is easy to understand, inexpensive to do and easy to get started with. Though it’s too early to tell whether it will develop into a lasting revenue source for news…
//May 2 / 2014 //read moreWith global digital ad spend about to overtake print, news outlets all over the world are searching with renewed passion for complementary revenue lines. The main focus is now on ‘user generated revenues’, either traditional revenues based…
//April 15 / 2014 //read moreThe Washington Post is the latest major US publisher to get its fingers burned launching a live video channel, reports Politico. Despite spending millions of dollars launching ‘the ESPN of politics’ last July, the service has been cut back…
//March 6 / 2014 //read more