Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
Journalism is by definition investigative. However, the depth and scope of possibilities to unearth and bring to light wrongdoings of public interest has increased manifold, thanks to the way the Internet has been evolving in the last…
//October 31 / 2016 //read moreMany great actors failed to adapt from silent movies to the “talkies” and disappeared from the big screen. By the same token, many great journalists risk fading away because they are not adjusting from the era of virtually silent audiences…
//September 1 / 2016 //read moreOne of the earliest experiments of crowd-funding was the Korean citizen journalism site Oh My News, created in 2000. They asked people to “tip” authors of stories they liked the best and in this way they paid their most popular…
//June 16 / 2016 //read moreQuartz’s new iPhone app that transforms the news consuming experience into an interactive chat has been given a big thumbs up by media commentators. Quartz, which is owned by Atlantic Media, prides itself on its originality in delivering…
//April 8 / 2016 //read moreOn one level, the synergy between publishers and platforms looks natural, a win-win: publishers need their content to reach an audience so they can attract advertisers; platforms have audience in abundance but need diverse, engaging…
//November 30 / 2015 //read moreWhen Facebook announced the launch of Instant Articles, a feature that will distribute content from select news publishers directly on the social media giant’s platform, it provoked another existential crisis for news media. Media…
//July 15 / 2015 //read moreWith mobile growing so rapidly, particularly in emerging markets, there has been much talk of mobile killing the desktop. Desktop still plays an important part in digital media consumption, however, interpretation and understanding of the…
//June 1 / 2015 //read moreFollowing the decision of Andrew Sullivan, founder of The Daily Dish, to give up blogging, Mathew Ingram of Gigaom discusses what blogging is, how it has changed and, importantly, what its role is in modern media. Ingram explains that some…
//February 9 / 2015 //read morePredictions about how new technologies will develop in the future are like horoscopes. If you want to get it right, you need to be as general as possible and hope that no one will notice that the few details you did include you got wrong.…
//December 18 / 2014 //read moreAustralian publishers have joined forces to launch a private exchange to buy print advertising …
//November 28 / 2014 //read more