Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
Probably most people sort of knew off-shore havens were being used to hide taxable fortunes, to pillage national treasuries, or to receive bribes for sold consciences. However, when the Panama Papers stories connected names to bank…
//July 26 / 2016 //read moreFacebook and Google and their humongous data crunching machines flourish while fine media wilt. How to compete? They take media’s original costly-to-produce-content for free and make it available to users to circulate, anticipating their…
//June 16 / 2016 //read moreFollowing the decision of Andrew Sullivan, founder of The Daily Dish, to give up blogging, Mathew Ingram of Gigaom discusses what blogging is, how it has changed and, importantly, what its role is in modern media. Ingram explains that some…
//February 9 / 2015 //read morePredictions about how new technologies will develop in the future are like horoscopes. If you want to get it right, you need to be as general as possible and hope that no one will notice that the few details you did include you got wrong.…
//December 18 / 2014 //read moreThe old formula of a news outlet simply providing objective news is out-of-date.
//July 22 / 2014 //read moreThe goal of Digital First Media’s Project Unbolt was to develop a step-by-step plan to accelerate the digital transition of newsrooms.
//July 18 / 2014 //read moreWhat are the lessons you can learn from short-lived Project Thunderdome experiment?
//June 11 / 2014 //read moreTow Center for Digital Journalism released an extensive report “The Art and Science of Data-Driven Journalism“ …
//June 9 / 2014 //read moreA significant portion of your newsroom is hiding from you …
//May 29 / 2014 //read moreSix in 10 journalists say that journalism in the U.S. is going in the wrong direction.
//May 9 / 2014 //read more