Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
US networking giant Cisco has released its latest five year forecast for mobile data use. The report highlights how rapidly increasing mobile data use will have profound implications for news organisations as mobile becomes the primary way…
//February 12 / 2013 //read moreHyperlocal sites are often billed as the next big thing in digital news, but have so far failed to deliver in terms of business performance. It might be possible to create niche local content but where are the advertisers? Hyperlocal…
//January 22 / 2013 //read moreAt MDLF’s Media Forum 2012 in Jakarta, we spoke to Kunda Dixit, the editor of the Nepali Times. Once a digital sceptic, he now believes that smartphones can deliver the digital dream, empowering both individuals and news organisations to…
//December 24 / 2012 //read moreIn the first Digital Briefing Live video from MDLF’s Media Forum 2012, we interviewed Bambang Harymurti, the CEO of Tempo Media in Indonesia, who discusses how media leaders can successfully transition to digital media. The trick is not to…
//December 20 / 2012 //read moreMaking the transition to digital is like surfing, Bambang Harymurti, CEO of Tempo International Media in Indonesia, told his fellow independent media leaders at Media Development Loan Fund’s recent Media Forum. Just like surfing, timing is…
//December 10 / 2012 //read moreDigital returns might be lower than the revenues of traditional media businesses, but some news groups are starting to rebuild their income base by combining multiple digital revenue streams rather than chasing a single replacement source.…
//November 28 / 2012 //read moreFor years, an all-or-nothing debate raged about paid content, but away from that noisy argument, many publishers explored options between those extremes. We look at some of these hybrid models, which are being used successfully by…
//October 26 / 2012 //read moreIn this week’s edition of required reading, we’ll do a brief round-up of important stories affecting media around the world plus a couple of must reads for publishers and editors including changes to Facebook’s promoted posts and how it…
//October 19 / 2012 //read moreThe mobile phone has become the primary way that Africans communicate, and it is rapidly becoming a way that they also receive information. The key challenge for news organisations will be how they serve these new mobile audiences and earn…
//October 15 / 2012 //read moreAn increasingly popular way for media businesses to provide news that is easily consumed on different mobile devices is responsive design – creating one website that automatically adjusts itself based on the device. We look at some key…
//September 20 / 2012 //read more