Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
A look at 69 journalism start-ups in 10 countries found numerous models for building sustainable digital journalism companies. However, they look little like the media companies of old, but how these start-ups mix revenue streams to reach…
//January 25 / 2013 //read moreHyperlocal sites are often billed as the next big thing in digital news, but have so far failed to deliver in terms of business performance. It might be possible to create niche local content but where are the advertisers? Hyperlocal…
//January 22 / 2013 //read moreNews website El Faro in El Salvador partnered with an ad agency to create a highly successful multi-platform campaign. Using the website, Twitter, radio, TV, billboards and print, they provided a way for local people to tell politicians…
//January 18 / 2013 //read moreUsing more than one platform for a project or campaign can be a strength, not just a challenge. But to give yourself the best chance of success, you need to think strategically from the outset. Make your planning multi-platform from the…
//January 18 / 2013 //read moreOver the past few years, digital attacks on journalists have become much more sophisticated. With our heavy reliance on email and social media, digital security is something that all journalists need to learn, whether you’re working in…
//January 14 / 2013 //read moreThe Associated Press has struck a novel deal with electronics giant Samsung to post sponsored tweets to the news cooperative’s 1.5m Twitter users. We look at the deal, which the AP says is “profitable”, and how to properly balance…
//January 9 / 2013 //read moreSouth Africa’s Mail & Guardian were early movers online, launching the first news website in Africa in 1994. As digital revenues grew, the newspaper recently shifted to a digital first strategy, but the news group’s CEO Hoosain…
//December 20 / 2012 //read moreMajor news organisations like The Guardian, The New York Times and The BBC are breaking new ground with data-driven visual journalism, but digital editor Paul Rowland, who works at a regional news group in Wales, has shown that these…
//December 14 / 2012 //read moreAt the recent Media Development Loan Fund’s Media Forum, Bambang Harymurti, the CEO of Tempo International Media in Indonesia, warned his fellow media leaders not to make the same mistake that photography pioneer Kodak did. Kodak saw the…
//December 7 / 2012 //read moreDigital returns might be lower than the revenues of traditional media businesses, but some news groups are starting to rebuild their income base by combining multiple digital revenue streams rather than chasing a single replacement source.…
//November 28 / 2012 //read more