Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
Douglas Arellanes is a co-founder and director of innovation of Sourcefabric, a Czech nonprofit foundation devoted to providing technology support to news media organizations worldwide by building digital, open source newsrooms for some of the world’s most innovative news organisations, in some of the world’s most challenging media environments.
Before Sourcefabric, Doug worked for eight years as a technologist and consultant for the Media Development Investment Fund, where he worked on technology projects with news organizations in post-conflict and transition countries.
Douglas was an executive with TDC Internet (formerly TeleDanmark), and successfully managed two technology startups in the 1990s, including the first web design agency in the Czech Republic.
Doug’s other activities include moderating a radio program on Prague’s Radio 1 (91.9FM and Having lived in Prague since 1992, he also works as a translator from Czech to English.