Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
Headline writers need to update their skills for the digital age. We look at why and how to write headlines that get better play on Google and other search engines, and entice readers to click.
//July 13 / 2012 //read moreThe Guardian is well known for its efforts to tap into the knowledge and experience of its audiences, opening up even its daily newslists to the public. It’s now tweaking its public engagement efforts after finding that more focused…
//July 10 / 2012 //read moreAs businesses start to realise that social media can give them a new opportunity to create relationships with consumers before they even become customers, news media must begin to look at their relationships with their own audiences. News…
//July 4 / 2012 //read moreFacebook has added a new feature that will help you manage your Page more effectively by creating a range of roles, allowing you to specify levels of access to those who create content for the page, moderate comments or even advertise on…
//June 4 / 2012 //read moreData journalism is one of the hottest topics in journalism right now, and Knowledge Bridge editor Kevin Anderson has just given a talk about this emerging trend and how it can help news organisations find new stories using publicly…
//May 18 / 2012 //read moreCreating a Facebook page and building a loyal core of followers are the first steps in developing a successful social media strategy. Then monitor what works and what doesn’t, and be flexible with your strategy to keep building your base…
//May 14 / 2012 //read more