Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition

//Kevin Anderson /June 4 / 2012

New roles help you manage your Facebook page

With the launch of the Knowledge Bridge, one of the first things that we looked at was how to use a Facebook Page to bring content to your fans and fans to your content, especially those readers who might not be able to buy your paper or are accessing your news online. One of the key things that we suggested in our guide to setting up your own Facebook Page was to make sure that you had more than one administrator:

“For news organisations, you can make key journalists and editors administrators to help manage your page. It’s key to have more than one person manage the page to make sure that it’s active over shifts. Also, it is important to have more than one administrator of the page in case the staff member who sets up the page leaves your company.”

Now, Facebook has added a number of new roles for your Page so that you don’t have to give someone total control over your Page.

In many ways, the new roles will seem familiar, mirroring some of the editorial roles that are familiar in a news organisation.

Facebook Page roles

As you create your Page, it’s definitely important to keep these roles in mind and use them to make its management more effective. You might not want to give all staff the ability to manage the page, but you you might want to give key staff the role of content creator. The role also allows you to give access to your advertisers so that they can see how your page is performing.

The roles are outlined on the Facebook Help Centre.  The simple explanation is that the higher up on the list, the higher the level of access the role has with respect to the Page. Facebook summarises the roles and their rights clearly with this chart:

Facebook Page roles and rights

As your Facebook strategy evolves and grows, you might want to give community managers who manage comments on your site the ability to monitor and moderate comments on your Facebook page as well. For key members of staff who engage with your audience, you might want to give the ability to create posts for your page as well. Regardless of how you break up the tasks, the new roles give you flexibility in how you manage your Page and your Facebook presence and helping you manage it more effectively as your presence grows.

Article by Kevin Anderson

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