Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
Mobile commerce, the ability to conduct monetary transactions via a mobile device, such as a WAP-enabled cell phone.
Additional ad impressions which are negotiated in order to make up for the shortfall of ads delivered versus the commitments outlined in the approved insertion order.
Data that provides information about other data. This includes descriptions of the characteristics of information, such as quality, origin, context, content and structure.
The metered paywall allows users to view a specific number of articles before requiring paid subscription. It allows free access to any article as long as the user has not surpassed the set limit during given period of time (a month or week). (E.g. Financial Times allows users to access 10 articles before becoming paid subscribers.) See also Hard paywall.
Multi-page ads accessed via click-through from initial ad. The user stays on the publisher’s Web site, but has access to more information from the advertiser than a display ad allows.
Publishing very brief, spontaneous posts to a public Website, usually via a mobile device or wirelessly connected laptop
A linear video spot that appears in the middle of the video content. See Preroll and Postroll.
Mobile/location-based targeting refers to a way to target advertisements on mobile devices such as smartphones or feature phones, GPS receivers, tablets (such as iPads) and soon on many mobile laptops. On phones and tablets, such advertisements can appear in a mobile Web browser or within an app. Geographic targeting information can come in the form of either a confirmed location or a derived location.
Sometimes referred to as rollover, hover.
The process by which a user moves the cursor over an area, without clicking. This is of primary interest if the area is a Hot Spot, as this can initiate additional action after a specified timeout.
This glossary is based on the IAB Wiki and IAB UK’s Jargon Buster. The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) is the trade association for online and mobile advertising. It promotes growth and best practice for advertisers, agencies and media owners.
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