Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition


Digital Briefing Live: Sam Greene on the RuNet’s impact on journalism

In our second edition of Digital Briefing Live, we talk to Sam Greene at the New Economic School in Moscow about the changes that rapid internet growth is bringing to Russian society, politics and media. For news organisations, he said…

//November 2 / 2012 //read more

Designing websites for mobile devices: Responsive design or mobile-specific?

An increasingly popular way for media businesses to provide news that is easily consumed on different mobile devices is responsive design – creating one website that automatically adjusts itself based on the device. We look at some key…

//September 20 / 2012 //read more

South Africa: Digital first doesn’t mean digital only

Digital first is one the hottest phrases in journalism, but with South Africa’s Business Day launching not just a digital first editorial strategy but also a metered paywall, media watchers in the country say success is as much about a…

//August 9 / 2012 //read more

Biggest challenge for digital media? Monetising the masses

The Media Briefing has an interesting interview with Raju Narisetti, managing editor for the Wall Street Journal Digital Network. He shares some insights into what strategies work and – just as importantly – what he believes don’t work for…

//July 13 / 2012 //read more

Don’t let local journalism revenue opportunities slip away

With the disruption in the news industry in the West, one technology and journalism entrepreneur worries about the future of local news and information. His biggest concern is that local news businesses are still letting digital start-ups…

//June 28 / 2012 //read more

Product mindset: Content, advertising and services products

Creating attractive products is obviously key to any digital product strategy. As we continue our Digital Briefing series on developing a product mindset, we look at examples of different products that news organisations have developed.…

//June 26 / 2012 //read more

Internet advertising in Brazil larger than newspapers

A report shows that the internet is outstripping newspapers as the second-favourite medium for advertising in Brazil. Though TV remains by far the favourite destination for ad dollars, the internet is growing fast, with the newspaper ad…

//June 18 / 2012 //read more