Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
Making the transition to digital is like surfing, Bambang Harymurti, CEO of Tempo International Media in Indonesia, told his fellow independent media leaders at Media Development Loan Fund’s recent Media Forum. Just like surfing, timing is…
//December 10 / 2012 //read moreDigital returns might be lower than the revenues of traditional media businesses, but some news groups are starting to rebuild their income base by combining multiple digital revenue streams rather than chasing a single replacement source.…
//November 28 / 2012 //read moreThe mobile phone has become the primary way that Africans communicate, and it is rapidly becoming a way that they also receive information. The key challenge for news organisations will be how they serve these new mobile audiences and earn…
//October 15 / 2012 //read moreAn increasingly popular way for media businesses to provide news that is easily consumed on different mobile devices is responsive design – creating one website that automatically adjusts itself based on the device. We look at some key…
//September 20 / 2012 //read moreThe Knowledge Bridge is about helping independent news organisations make the digital transition. While you look forward to your digital future, it’s worth taking look back to the digital vision of the Washington Post’s managing editor.…
//August 24 / 2012 //read moreAfrica is set to become the world’s second largest mobile market by the end of this year. Audiences and advertisers are rapidly moving to mobile, with many African mobile owners only accessing the web via their phones. News organisations…
//July 26 / 2012 //read moreWith more than 1 billion internet users, Asia accounts for nearly half the world’s online users. And it is the explosion of mobile phones that is driving the move online. Asian users are also more likely to use banking services and shop…
//July 12 / 2012 //read moreThe second largest social network in Russia,’s Odnoklassniki, is set to launch an English language version to support its international growth. The announcement comes as the social network touts its strength in reaching the Russian…
//June 20 / 2012 //read moreIt’s not news that mobile use has grown dramatically in Africa, but a new report by consultancy TNS looks at how sub-Saharan Africans use their mobile phones. It’s more about work than play. The report warns of using mobile business models…
//June 19 / 2012 //read moreMobile communications are one of the most exciting areas of development in Africa, and we look at predictions from more than 30 of the continent’s entrepreneurs of what the mobile revolution will bring by 2020.
//June 6 / 2012 //read more