Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
The World Press Trends annual report found that just 2.2 percent of global newspaper advertising revenues came from digital platforms in 2011, but Raju Narisetti of the Wall Street Journal Digital Network sees a glass half full. He says,…
//September 7 / 2012 //read moreGoogle’s advertising network, AdSense, has a number of services available to help you measure how effective the ad campaigns earning revenue for your site are performing, and insights into how to make them perform better. We go through…
//August 28 / 2012 //read moreAlthough analytics tools have always provided newsrooms with a good way to evaluate their stories, real-time analytics tools are helping editors make more informed decisions about how they position stories based on how their audiences are…
//August 17 / 2012 //read moreIn a new feature for the Knowledge Bridge, we highlight digital media trends and insights from around the world. This week, we look at how print media in South Africa recognise the digital transition by adding it a digital focus to their…
//August 10 / 2012 //read moreIn June’s Digital Briefing, we talked about developing a product mindset to help you identify audience needs so that you can set your digital priorities, and this month we look at what you’ll need to launch, evolve and sustain your digital…
//July 31 / 2012 //read more