Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition


Required Reading: QR codes in Kenya, data journalism resource in Russian and changes to Facebook pages

In this week’s edition of required reading, we’ll do a brief round-up of important stories affecting media around the world plus a couple of must reads for publishers and editors including changes to Facebook’s promoted posts and how it…

//October 19 / 2012 //read more

Journalists in Jamaica and Nigeria share social media lessons

In many parts of the world, social media has changed journalism for audiences and journalists. This phenomenon is global, and we take a look at a study in Nigeria and observations in Jamaica to see how journalists are using social media in…

//September 11 / 2012 //read more

News groups must deliver advertising innovation to survive

Digital technology is disrupting not only news organisations but also other businesses that have traditionally advertised with news groups. To respond, news groups need to deliver better performing advertising or face competition from…

//August 31 / 2012 //read more

What you can learn from Microsoft’s advertising failure

Tech giant Microsoft has been forced to write off billions from an online display ad business it bought in 2007. The digital display ad market has changed dramatically in the last five years, and you can learn a lot from Microsoft’s…

//July 11 / 2012 //read more

Social media’s challenges in India: Monetizing its mobile users

Emerging markets have been the engines of growth for major social networks such as Twitter and Facebook, with India being one of the biggest success stories. Much of this growth has come from mobile users in India, and Facebook is…

//July 9 / 2012 //read more

South African journalists should use social media to connect to audiences

Research has found that Facebook and Twitter are the most-quoted sources of news in South Africa. With this trend driven by the growth of smartphone use, journalists need to understand how to use social media to maximise their audience.

//July 6 / 2012 //read more

Advertising lessons from Facebook: Sell relationships not impressions

As businesses start to realise that social media can give them a new opportunity to create relationships with consumers before they even become customers, news media must begin to look at their relationships with their own audiences. News…

//July 4 / 2012 //read more

Latin Americans spend 25 percent of internet-time on Facebook

Latin Americans continue to flock to social networking sites, and are now spending a quarter of their online-time using them, especially Facebook. It can be seen as a threat to news organisations in the battle for attention, but there are…

//July 2 / 2012 //read more

Hyperlocal, smart targeted mobile ads may earn even higher revenues

While the internet is increasingly being accessed through mobile devices, we are starting to see proof from Facebook that mobile ads can be even more lucrative than desktop ads – when done correctly. Apple also joins the game by…

//June 27 / 2012 //read more

News groups should tap Russian social networks diaspora presence

The second largest social network in Russia,’s Odnoklassniki, is set to launch an English language version to support its international growth. The announcement comes as the social network touts its strength in reaching the Russian…

//June 20 / 2012 //read more