Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
Australian publishers have joined forces to launch a private exchange to buy print advertising …
//November 28 / 2014 //read moreEmail newsletters are back in fashion, with leading digital players like Quartz, Vox and the Financial Times investing in the format.
//November 14 / 2014 //read moreFrédéric Filloux of Monday Note says the era of news media based on a single product is over. Diversification is the only way: it’s no longer a question of whether to develop other revenue streams, it’s a question of deciding which ones…
//October 13 / 2014 //read moreChartbeat, a web software company that serves publishers with real-time analytics, has gained accreditation from the Media Rating Council for a new way of measuring the actual attention of readers, as part of a move to get publishers and…
//September 30 / 2014 //read moreThe Guardian, the world’s third largest news site, has launched a membership scheme putting community and events at the heart of its plans to finance its paywall-free digital development.
//September 22 / 2014 //read moreWhat separates a successful innovative media project from the rest?
//September 1 / 2014 //read moreIs using events as a way of diversifying revenues and build a brand a good decision? It is.
//August 8 / 2014 //read moreThe old formula of a news outlet simply providing objective news is out-of-date.
//July 22 / 2014 //read moreThe goal of Digital First Media’s Project Unbolt was to develop a step-by-step plan to accelerate the digital transition of newsrooms.
//July 18 / 2014 //read moreRussian TV has an almost unchallenged monopoly …
//July 4 / 2014 //read more